SSH Key Set Up for Multiple GitHub Accounts
A great article on how to set up and manage ssh keys for multiple github accounts/repositories
A great article on how to set up and manage ssh keys for multiple github accounts/repositories
When using S3 as our external storage, sometimes we have to let users download files from S3. If file is too large, it may not fit in the memory. The solution is to stream file into user’s browser straight from S3. Let’s take a look how to do it with Laravel’s Filesystem. There are 2…
Laravel Homestead includes a lot of software, but unfortunately does not have PhpMyAdmin. You can always install it on nginx, but if you have it already on your host system (for example, as a part of xampp package), you can always configure it as a Nginx site. First of all, you need to edit your file. At…
Having vagrant run on Windows host machine may cause some problems with symbolic links. After trying to make symbolic links to work and failing, I decided to use public disk in development and local disk in production. php artisan storage:link makes symbolic link from “public/storage” to “storage/app/public”. When developing on windows-vagrant this command will not work properly,…
$fp = fopen(’’, ‘r’); $user = "sammy"; $pass = "password"; $ftp_server = ""; //should be wrapped in try catch to properly handle errors $ftp_conn = ftp_ssl_connect($ftp_server); $login = ftp_login($ftp_conn, $user, $pass); ftp_chdir($ftp_conn, ‘path/to/folder’); //can also use ftp_pwd ftp_pasv($ftp_conn, true); //passive mode ftp_fput($ftp_conn, "mydocument.pdf", $fp, FTP_BINARY); fclose($fp); ftp_close($ftp_conn);$fp = fopen(‘’,…
This article covers installation of Jenkins on Ubuntu server and its usage to continuously integrate a Laravel application. Besides LAMP/LEMP stack we need to install Java, Git, Composer, and Node to successfully use Jenkins. Before starting to install this software, let’s take care of miscellaneous stuff. Miscellaneous (can skip this). Create mysql user and database….