Node.js Typescript and Jest

Setting Up a Modern Node.js Project with TypeScript and Jest

In this guide, you’ll learn how to set up a Node.js project with TypeScript and Jest. The article takes you through each step, from initializing the project and configuring TypeScript to integrating Jest for testing. By following this tutorial, you’ll ensure your code is type-safe, well-tested, and ready for modern development.

Sequelize Typescript

How to Integrate Sequelize with Typescript in Node.js Project

Integrating an SQL database with a Node.js TypeScript project can greatly enhance your data management, and Sequelize makes this process easy. In this article, you’ll learn how to set up a MySQL database using Docker, configure connections in TypeScript, and create models with Sequelize. Perfect for developers looking to enhance their TypeScript applications with powerful SQL database capabilities.


Install Ruby on MacOS

MacOS comes with already pre-installed system Ruby. However this Ruby, most likely, will be outdated for Shopify development. You don’t want to mess with the pre-installed system Ruby. What you want to do is to install another Ruby using Homebrew and set the $PATH so the Homebrew-installed Ruby takes priority over the macOS system Ruby.

Observer Pattern in JavaScript

In this article we will explore the Observer Pattern in JavaScript. We will look at a real world example that involves processing order shipment and how to implement observer pattern in that context. In object oriented programming the Observer Pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, where one object (the subject or observable) maintains a…

Strategy Pattern in Javascript

Strategy Pattern in JavaScript

The Strategy Pattern is a powerful design pattern in JavaScript that allows you to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one as a separate object, and make them interchangeable. This pattern is especially useful when you want to select an algorithm’s implementation at runtime without altering the client code. In this article, we explore how the Strategy Pattern works in JavaScript, providing practical examples to demonstrate its flexibility and scalability in solving various problems.