TED Mobile Phone App
This is mobile phone application that fetches and displays TED RSS feeds. It lets you keep up with the latest TED talks.
This is mobile phone application that fetches and displays TED RSS feeds. It lets you keep up with the latest TED talks.
This website was designed for Celebration Ballroom Studio. It is responsive, cross browser and cross device compatible and mobile friendly. It has front-end editing capabilities. It has contact form, photo and video galleries. It is integrated with Google Maps, Google Analytics, Hotjar, and SEO. thecelebrationballroom.com Share this article
This website is being designed for Cosmetics Made In USA company. It is cross-device and cross-platform compatible and mobile friendly. It has multi-layer slider, Google map, multiple gallery and contact form integration. It has user authentication feature – to view prices and create user accounts. cosmeticsmadeinusa.com Share this article
A full-featured e-commerce website for business to business company built on Prestashop platform. It is mobile friendly and cross device and browser compatible. It is in sales mode for only authorized visitors, for others it is in catalog mode. steviegshouseofglass.com Share this article
This mobile phone app can be used as a training aid for restaurant crew members. It has theoretical information about seafood, practical skills section, quiz section, and restaurant news section. It uses custom built API that fetches data from MySQL database. Data can be changed and updated on the fly. alexrusin.com/rlapp Share this article
This WordPress website was built for Dr. Glenn Lowenberg, sports chiropractor. It is responsive and mobile friendly. It is cross browser and cross device compatible, with integration of social media and blog. This website is highly customized for my client’s personal needs. glennlowenberg.com Share this article
Mailrom Tools (Mailroom server and Mailroom Clerk client) help you develop locally against web hooks, HTTP callbacks from a remote server. To learn how to use the tools read post Debugging Webhooks It is an open source project. You can read documentation and look at the source code on GitHub. Share this article